by Beverly | Mar 16, 2015 | Feminism
Leisure time is a feminist issue.?Brigid Schulte: Why time is a feminist issueThis was posted on Google+
by Beverly | Feb 20, 2015 | Feminism, Islam, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe, Religion
Gender, race, religion, faith? Rethinking intersectionality in German feminismsAbstract Despite the recent wave of scholarship on intersectionality, as well as a surge in feminist scholarship on Islam in German feminist studies, feminist research has yet to adequately...
by Beverly | Feb 6, 2015 | Feminism, German studies, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe, Religion, Religion in Europe
Gender, race, religion, faith? Rethinking intersectionality in German feminisms. European Journal of Women’s Studies. Despite the recent wave of scholarship on intersectionality, as well as a surge in feminist scholarship on Islam in German feminist studies,...
by Beverly | Mar 8, 2013 | Feminism
Muslimah Media Watch: Malala and the Media: Not Black and White This post was written by guest contributor Ossob. Looking back at recent media attention on Muslim women, the story of Malala Yousafzai stands out because it simultaneously inspired and frustrated...
by Beverly | Feb 27, 2013 | Feminism, Islam in Europe
Recent post from the Aktionsbündnis muslimischer Frauen (AmF) : ihr euch an den Bewerbungsratgeber, der von der Deutschlandstiftung Integration herausgegeben wurde, in dem Bewerberinnen mit Kopftuch empfohlen wurde, das...
by Beverly | Jan 19, 2013 | Feminism, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe, Violence
Coming soon… Violence and Gender in the “New Europe”: Islam in Germany Today Violence and Gender in the “New” Europe | Beverly M. Weber | Macmillan Macmillan :: Violence and Gender in the “New” Europe by Beverly M. Weber....
by Beverly | Jan 16, 2013 | Feminism, Violence
From sex shacks to mega-brothels: The politics of anti-trafficking and the 2006 soccer World Cup From sex shacks to mega-brothels: The politics of anti-trafficking and the 2006 soccer World Cup Abstract This article examines the discourses of forced prostitution that...
by Beverly | Jan 16, 2013 | Black Germans, Feminism
Looking forward to reading this new book on Audre Lorde’s legacy and the Black Women’s Movement in Germany! Euer Schweigen schützt Euch nicht: Audre Lorde und die Schwarze Frauenbewegung in Deutschland: Peggy Piesche: Bücher Euer Schweigen...