by Beverly | Sep 5, 2015 | Immigration Europe, Islam in Europe
A reminder that while Europe debates its refugee "crisis," the small country of Jordan is taking in many more refugees. 1.5 million refugees in a country of 6 million with limited water sources: and the World Food Program has run out of money to support the...
by Beverly | Apr 11, 2015 | Islam, Islam in Europe, Religion in Europe
Kopftuch: Stoff für VerkrampfteDas Kopftuch gehört in deutsche Schulen. Eine Replik auf Iris RadischThis was posted on Google+
by Beverly | Feb 20, 2015 | Feminism, Islam, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe, Religion
Gender, race, religion, faith? Rethinking intersectionality in German feminismsAbstract Despite the recent wave of scholarship on intersectionality, as well as a surge in feminist scholarship on Islam in German feminist studies, feminist research has yet to adequately...
by Beverly | Feb 13, 2013 | Racism in Europe
An interesting post reflecting on the role of racism in Enlightenment thought was posted in the New York Times this week. While I laud the attention to racist aspects of Enlightenment thinking, I am less certain about this claim: “but given that we now know that...
by Beverly | Feb 13, 2013 | Racism in Europe
The Enlightenment’s ‘Race’ Problem, and OursWhen we learned that witches did not exist, we threw out the category. So why do we cling to the discredited notion of race?This was posted on Google+…