by Beverly | Aug 5, 2020 | Anti-racism, Black Germans, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe
So excited to see this book in (digital) print (hope to hold a print copy someday!) Check it out at 32. Intersectionality and Refugee...
by Beverly | Jun 15, 2018 | Anti-racism, Feminism, Racism in Europe, Violence
"Das Buch verbindet erstmals für den deutschen Kontext aktivistische und wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Rassismus in Polizei und Justiz. Es bezieht Position gegen eine verkürzte Debatte über „Racial Profiling“. Die einzelnen Beiträge geben einen Einblick in...
by Beverly | Nov 6, 2016 | Anti-racism
12 Ways to Be an Effective Ally at Standing Rock Here are some important tips for non-native allies who want to support the movement at Standing Rock. This was posted on Google+