by Beverly | Aug 5, 2020 | Anti-racism, Black Germans, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe
So excited to see this book in (digital) print (hope to hold a print copy someday!) Check it out at 32. Intersectionality and Refugee...
by Beverly | Feb 1, 2020 | Publications, Racism in Europe, Violence
Gifts of welcome: Precarity, intimacy and the gift in Die Farbe des Ozeans (Peren, 2011) and Welcome (Lioret, 2009). With Maria Stehle . This article examines the role of Europe as gift in Lioret’s Welcome (2009) and Peren’s Die Farbe des Ozeans (2011) by...
by Beverly | Dec 6, 2018 | Islam in Europe, Precarity, Racism in Europe, Violence
Hi everybody, The digital version of this issue on Insecurity was unavailable for a long time, but now it’s available at Duke Press! Very grateful for the hard work and patience of our editors, Nadine Attewell and Janice Ho. There’s some great stuff...
by Beverly | Jun 17, 2018 | German studies, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe
Rassismus: “Rassismus hört nicht bei NPD und AfD auf”Wie wehrt man sich gegen verletzende Sprüche oder Geschichtsrelativierung? Im Video sprechen Alte und Junge über ihren Umgang mit rassistischen Vorfällen.This was posted on Google+
by Beverly | Jun 15, 2018 | Anti-racism, Feminism, Racism in Europe, Violence
"Das Buch verbindet erstmals für den deutschen Kontext aktivistische und wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Rassismus in Polizei und Justiz. Es bezieht Position gegen eine verkürzte Debatte über „Racial Profiling“. Die einzelnen Beiträge geben einen Einblick in...
by Beverly | Sep 23, 2017 | Racism in Europe, Racism in the US
My White Friend Asked Me on Facebook to Explain White Privilege. I Decided to Be HonestHe wanted to know how institutional racism has made an impact on my life. I’m glad he asked, because I was ready to answer.This was posted on Google+
by Beverly | Apr 28, 2016 | Black Germans, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe Shadow Reports on racism in Europe – ENAR ENAR’s Shadow Reports are a compilation of information and data collected by our member organisations. They are produced yearly to fill the gaps This was...
by Beverly | Jan 14, 2016 | Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe, Violence
Please consider signing!?Against sexualised violence and racism. Always. Anywhere. #ausnahmslos (“noexcuses”)On the night of New Year’s Eve, numerous women were sexually attacked in public spaces in Cologne and other German cities.. These crimes demand...