by Beverly | Oct 2, 2014 | Islam, Racism in the US
From Colorlines:
by Beverly | Dec 6, 2013 | Racism in Europe
New PSA in Berlin stigmatizes people of color as criminals: Rassismus: Vorsicht Migranten – This was posted on Google+
by Beverly | Mar 28, 2013 | Islam in Europe
Study suggests widespread criticism of media representations, a failure of media both in terms of disseminating information and of serving proper democratic function.
by Beverly | May 2, 2012 | Islam in Europe
A Letter to Necla Kelek (and homage to Mely Kiyak)Ein Brief an Necla Kelek | AggroMigrantLiebe Necla Kelek Dass ich diesen Artikel im Stil meiner Lieblingsjournalistin Mely Kiyak schreibe ist kein Zufall sondern reines Kalkül. Denn dies wirdThis was posted on...