October 3-6, 2019 – Portland, OR

The Religious Cultures Network is pleased to announce the following call for papers for sessions at the GSA, Forty-Third Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Portland, OR, October 3-6, 2019.

Religion, religious institutions, and discourses about religion continue to have a profound impact on gender and sexuality. Joseph Ratzinger’s legacy as Pope Benedict XVI remains tainted by accusations that he covered up sexual abuse, while Austria’s controversial 2017 law banning facial coverings appears to discriminate against Muslim women in particular. Further, religion and religious cultures continue to function as particularly prominent signifiers of gendered difference in contemporary discussions of race, immigration, and refugees. The Religious Cultures Network intends to sponsor a series of panels on the intersections of religion, gender, and sexuality in Central Europe and/or among German speakers. We invite papers from a broad range of disciplinary approaches (history, literature, music, political science, sociology, material and visual cultures, etc.) that discuss gender and sexuality as they relate to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, as well as other religious cultures.

We seek 15- to 20-minute papers, in English or German. We also welcome proposals for panels of 3-4 presenters and roundtables of up to 6 participants (we will identify moderators and commentators, if needed).

Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

– gender roles and sexuality in relationship to religious discourses, religious law, or religious practice;

– LGBTQI communities and religious institutions;

– the racialization of religion;

– religious feminisms and queer activisms;

– gender and religious institutions;

– constructions of gender, including femininities and masculinities, among Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others;

– the past and/or present relationship between religion and gender, sexuality, and politics;

– issues related to gender and religion among immigrants and refugees in German-speaking countries in Central Europe;

– representations of religion in relationship to gender and sexuality in visual culture, literature, and other cultural production.

Please use the following link to upload a document with an abstract (250 words) and a brief CV or bio that includes institutional affiliation by February 1, 2019.


The Religious Cultures Network is led by

CJ Jones, University of Notre Dame
Lisa Silverman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 
Beverly Weber, University of Colorado Boulder