We are excited to announce the launch of our series, Feminist Responses to Covid-19 at the Digital Feminist Collective. Our first contribution, entitled “The Hollow Privilege of Immobility in the Time of Covid-19,” has been written by Jenn Hosek.https://digitalfeministcollective.net/index.php/category/just-futures-2/covid-19/
Watch for additional posts coming soon:
- “Covid-19 and The White Spaces of Academia” by Mariela Méndez
- “On Racism in Panama during Covid-19” by Alina Torrero
- “Reach for the Gutter” by Dawn Marlan
- “Crip Currencies” by Maggie Rosenau and David Loner
- and more on their way!
A reminder of our Call for Submissions (please share widely):
Just Futures at the Digital Feminist Collective invites contributions of any length (but preferably under 1500 words) or genre for our series “Feminist Approaches to Covid-19 and Academic Labor.” Pieces will be reviewed by the three editors of the series (Carrie Smith, Maria Stehle and Beverly Weber). Accepted pieces will be published at the Digital Feminist Collective.
Possible topics may include (but are not limited to):
- How do we bring feminist perspectives in conversation with disability studies, queer studies, critical race studies, Indigenous studies and other social justice perspectives in conceptualizing the impacts of the pandemic and our responses in our teaching, research, service, administrative, and community work ?
- How do we imagine university futures in which the most vulnerable workers can thrive?What challenges does Covid-19 raise for feminist work in the academy?
- What are our feminist approaches to/ concerns for remote and online teaching?
- How do we balance the need to account for self-care and for an ethics of care that both sustains and reaches out beyond community?
- How do we conceptualize pandemic responses and the relationship between institutions of higher education and the physical communities in which they reside?
- What kinds of transnational responses and approaches might be possible to address the simultaneous troubling and reaffirmation of both geopolitical and institutional borders in the pandemic?
- What kinds of questions does the situation raise for academic leadership? How do we approach these questions from feminist and social justice perspectives?
- What might be some necessary responses in how we conceptualize academic publishing?
- What futures do we advocate for?
Series co-edited by Maria Stehle, Carrie Smith, and Beverly Weber. Please submit your contributions to the editors at the link below; you can email us with questions at digitalfeministcollective@gmail.com. We anticipate being able to respond to all contributions within a week with suggestions and revisions, and to publish on an ongoing basis. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-wVD9Ww4fMazUcKumwrZ1kY4IAAZG0qkow9it3SxgGy7jTg/viewform