by Beverly | Feb 23, 2015 | Racism in Europe, Violence
2014: Hohes Maß an rassistischer Gewalt und Hetze gegen Flüchtlinge | Netz gegen NazisIn Deutschland werden immer mehr gewalttätige Angriffe auf Flüchtlinge gezählt. Auch die rassistische Hetze nimmt zu – ob auf Facebook oder auf der Straße. Das berichten die Amadeu...
by Beverly | Jan 19, 2013 | Feminism, Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe, Violence
Coming soon… Violence and Gender in the “New Europe”: Islam in Germany Today Violence and Gender in the “New” Europe | Beverly M. Weber | Macmillan Macmillan :: Violence and Gender in the “New” Europe by Beverly M. Weber....
by Beverly | Jan 16, 2013 | Feminism, Violence
From sex shacks to mega-brothels: The politics of anti-trafficking and the 2006 soccer World Cup From sex shacks to mega-brothels: The politics of anti-trafficking and the 2006 soccer World Cup Abstract This article examines the discourses of forced prostitution that...
by Beverly | Apr 26, 2012 | Islam in Europe, Racism in Europe, Violence
Hate in Europe is on the RiseBeyond Breivik, Hate in Europe is on the Rise | Human Rights WatchWith the eyes of the world on the Oslo district court, there are stark contrasts on display. The twisted and hate-filled logic of Anders Breivik contrasts with the calm,...
by Beverly | Apr 20, 2012 | Racism in the US, Uncategorized, Violence
A strange attempt at anti-racist feminism proves deeply racist. Responses on the Feminist Wire. And additional resources from MMW
by Beverly | Mar 7, 2012 | Violence
Interesting article by David J. Leonard on NewBlackMan on the violence of language, the language of the violence, and the problem with the discussions of Rush Limbaugh: “Unfortunately,the conversation and public outrage has often drifted away from the...